Consultancy & Publications
Period – From 13-12-2010 – till date
Organization – Harper Collins Publishers, Glasgow, UK.
Nature of Work – Lexicography, Translation, Content modification, etc.
Membership in Professional Bodies
- Life Member of The Asiatic Society, Kolkata.
- Life Member of Global Association for Humanities and Social Science Research (GAHSSR)
Linguistics and Allied Disciplines, Dr. Neelam Yadav & Dr. Swasti Mishra, 2021, Insha Publication, New Delhi, India.
Chief Editorial Consultant of Collins Cobulid Learner’s English-English-Hindi Dictionary, 2015, Harper Collins Publishers, Glasgow, UK.
Consultant of Collins Essential English-English-Hindi Dictionary, 2015, Harper Collins Publishers, Glasgow, UK.
Chief Editorial Consultant of Collins Cobuild Advanced English-English-Hindi Dictionary, 2012, Harper Collins Publishers, Glasgow, UK.
Chief Editorial Consultant of Collins Cobuild Intermediate English-English-Hindi Dictionary, 2012, Harper Collins Publishers, Glasgow, UK.
Assistant Editor for Longman-CIIL English-Hindi Basic Dictionary. 2011, Pearson-Longman.
Milan Chauhan, Swasti Mishra, (2024), “Creating Place: The Role of Festival, Kajari Folk Songs, and Rituals in Mirzapur.”, Journal: Malaysian Journal of Music, Volume-13, Issue-2 (SCOPUS (SCI)).
Hok Chheangkhy, Swasti Mishra, (2024), “A Case Study of Morphological Errors Made by the Cambodian Child in First Language Acquisition ”, Journal: Frontiers in Health Informatics, Volume-44 No.3, (SCOPUS (SCI)).
Milan Chauhan, Swasti Mishra, (2024), “Kajari Folk Songs: Mechanism for Emotional Regulation”, Journal: Rupkatha, Volume-16, Issue-1, (Web of Science indexed) (ESCI).
Shubham Pathak, Ipsita Mondal, Swasti Mishra, (2024), “Unravelling the Linguistics Tapestry: A Discursive Study of Gender Portrayal in Select Indian Electronic Advertisement ”, Rupkatha, Volume-16, Issue-1, (Web of Science indexed) (ESCI).
Shubham Pathak, Swasti Mishra, (2023), “Discursive Strategies of Women’s Use of Their Beauty and Body for Revenge: A Comparative Study of Classical and Contemporary Hindi Films”, Journal: Quarterly Review of Film and Video (Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group), (SCOPUS (SCI)).
Shubham Pathak, Swasti Mishra, Ipsita Mondal (2023), “Representing Gender Equality through Advertisements from the Electronic Media: A Study in Discourse analysis”, Journal: Rupkatha, Volume-15, Issue-3, (Web of Science indexed) (ESCI).
Rajesh Kumar Mundotiya, Shantanu Kumar, Ajeet Kumar, Anil Kumar Singh, Swasti Mishra, (2022), “Development of a Dataset and a Deep Learning Baseline Named Entity Recognizer for Three Low Resource Languages: Bhojpuri, Maithili”, Journal: ACM Transactions On Asian And Low-Resource Language Information Processing (TALLIP),(SCOPUS (SCI)), (Impact Factor: 1.420)
Rajesh Kumar Mundotiya, Swasti Mishra, Anil Kumar Singh, (2021), “Hierarchical Self Attention based Sequential Labelling Model for Bhojpuri, Maithili and Magahi Languages”, Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jksuci.2021.09.022 (SCOPUS (SCI)), (Impact Factor: 13.473)
R. Mundotiya, M. Singh, R. Kapur, Swasti Mishra, Anil Kumar Singh, (2021), “Linguistic Resources for Bhojpuri, Magahi and Maithili: Statistics about them, their Similarity Estimates, and Baselines for Three Applications”, Journal: ACM Transactions On Asian And Low-Resource Language Information Processing (TALLIP), (SCOPUS (SCI)), (Impact Factor: 1.420)
Swasti Mishra, Milan Chauhan, (2020) “Kashi Labh Mukti Bhawan: A Place for Salvation (Mukti)”, Journal: OM RISE, (from the Chair of Hindu Spirituality and Society Vrije University Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Vol. 4
Swasti Mishra (2017), ‘Bhojpuri Kriya Sanrachana’ Journal: “Bhojpuri Janpad”, BHU, ISSN: 2320-8309, Vol. 3
Swasti Mishra, (2017), “Sanskrit Sahitya me Stri Vimarsha Ka Samajbhashik Vishleshan”, Journal: “Udgata Kashi” ISSN: 2350-0034, Vol. 3
Swasti Mishra, “Bahubhashikata evam Bharat me Bahubhashikata ki Sthiti”, “Gaveshana” ISSN: 0435-1460, Vol. 95/96,
E-Learning Course Content
- Audio-Visual course content for ‘Hindi Online Language Learning Program’, Central Hindi Directorate (CHD), New Delhi.
Papers Presented in National & International Conferences, Seminars & Workshops
Swasti Mishra, 2016, presentation on ‘Study of Banarasi Paan & Wood craft Industry of Varanasi city’ , Sandhi, A science- Heritage Initiative Workshop.’ By the Ministry of HRD, India, GOI, held at IIT (BHU).
Swasti Mishra, 2014, ‘Settlement Pattern of Communities and their Role in Creative Economy of Varanasi: Past and Present’, Science and Heritage Initiatives (SANDHI) Workshop, at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
Swasti Mishra, 2014, “Folk and Classical Religious Cults As Reflected In Bhojpuri Folk songs: With Special Reference to Local Deities” at The Asiatic Society, Kolkata.
Swasti Mishra, 2012, “Tibbati Bhasha Aur Samaj Ka Vartman Paridrishya”, International Seminar on ‘Indigenous and Ethnic Himalayan Languages, Literature & Culture’ organized by the Dept. of Indian Languages, Banaras Hindu University.
Swasti Mishra, 2006, “Kaksha ka sanshlisht Parirup: Antartane dvara Hindi Bhasha ka Vivechanatmak Adhyayan”, 28th All India Conference of Linguists held at Dept. of Linguistics B.H.U.
Swasti Mishra, 2004, “Bhojpuri Ballads: A Sociolinguistic Perspective”, National Seminar on ‘Linguistics for Literature’ organized by the Dept. of Linguistics, BHU.
Swasti Mishra, 2003, “Language Problems and Language Planning Perspectives in Hindi Speaking States” National Seminar on ‘Language Education and Literacy’ organized by Dept. of Linguistics, BHU.
Swasti Mishra, 2003, “Certain Types of Bhojpuri Folk Songs: A Retrospect” at The Asiatic Society, Kolkata.